Forward Simulation

The function eval_forward can be used to simulate the evolution of a quantum state in time.

eval_forward(prob, controls, pcof; [order=2, saveEveryNsteps=1, forcing=missing,])

Simulate a SchrodingerProb forward in time. Return the history of the state vector for each initial condition as a 4D array.


  • prob::SchrodingerProb: Object containing the Hamiltonians, number of timesteps, etc.
  • controls: An AstractControl or vector of controls, where the i-th control corresponds to the i-th control Hamiltonian.
  • pcof::AbstractVector{<: Real}: The control vector.
  • order::Int64=2: Which order of the method to use.
  • saveEveryNsteps::Int64=1: Only store the state every saveEveryNsteps timesteps.
  • forcing::Union{AbstractArray{Float64}, Missing}: Optional forcing array, ordered in same format as the returned history.